Launch Day – An Invitation to Create

This morning we launch the Create West Virginia initiative to the world. And by world, I mean whomever shows up at the Walker Theater at the Clay Center in Charleston or via webcast.

I have to admit, we’re not sure what to expect. Will a media who’s seen and heard it all in this state find this remotely interesting? Is the fact that a bunch of Creative Community entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, community development folks, etc. have banded together be as noteworthy as say, a new truck factory opening in Wood County?

More importantly, will this be a message that West Virginians understand and embrace? We’ve taken great pains to help everyone understand that the New Economy is open to anyone willing to embrace it. We know how fear, uncertainty and past scars can influence people…We know because we’re West Virginians.

But our hope this morning is that this initiative – in whatever small way – awakens the creative and entrepreneurial inside all of us and replaces trepidation with excitement.